Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The ideology of Zaid Hamid

Zaid Haramid,

I gather your schizophrenia has taken a radical turn into verbal diarrhea and theres absolutely no hint of a slow down. Every time you open your mouth, the small farts make way for the mega conspiracy shit explosion, your sporadic nose rubs and hand shrugs with a little neck shakes express the joy of an un-paid midget roasting your nuts with Zippo lighter under seat.

You have probably learnt of nazisim and have by now over a million masturbations to Hitler. But your audience is the less educated Pakistani youth who till now dont know about the world wars and still think Muhammad Bin Kasim was the ruler of Europe and Pakistanis are actually Arabs, are the ones who entertain you. I recently heard of your SAFMA court hearing:

Dude Seriously!!! Look at your supporters? Half of them are just happy they are being photographed. Who amongst them looks like they can spell what they are holding? Your 3 rupee chart paper and 2 rupee sketch penned placards  with one-promised-sheek-kebab-pav meal bribed supporters you set out to conquer the world. What is wrong with you?

Coming back to your obsession with Nazism and Hitlers rise to power- you think imitating Hitler will make you like him? through your speeches and social media awareness the people pf pakistan willl hail you as their supreme leader with unconditional power, (which is why you keep farting about "a care taker government") and then you will chase Israel, India and the united States with your paper boats remtoe control choppers? You think one day people will raise their one hand to shout out "Hail Zaid"! Knowing the voacb of your countrymen they will scream out "Hey Zaid teri G@@nd me Chaid" and the arabic suffixes as applicable.


Let me address some of your popular jargon:

1. You start your tweets and messages with "Dear Children"
your inability to get your wife children made her divorce you. Common dude? now you want to pull others children in your fantasy war? Try Call of Duty 4 I've heard its awesome.

2. You Tweet in Arabic
Chutiya! you think your jihadis friends in FATA and Waziristan have a twitter enabled AK-47? Or are Madarassa in pakistan charging extra fees for "Internet and computer fees" in addition to the bomb making tutorials?

3. Romance in history and War
Please go back to point number one. Your hormones are just not meant for these things. Not everyone relishes the idea of getting sodomized by a gun barell.

4. Posted a new Video on Facebook
See everyone knows for a fact that YOUTUBE has banned your hate rant videos. Now you have to choose cheaper alternatives such as to monetize your videos

5. The country is surrounded by enemies
Yes. Israel, India and US. So you have set a personal record of distorting history and Geography. Wont be surprised if the Maps in your books show the arabic sea to the north and afghanistan somewhere around australia.

6. Ideology
Yes the eternal ek-baal ki ideology

 Zaidu. You are thriving on Photoshop, Movie maker, Facebook and Twitter. Just a moment before the Zionist who own this media ban you. then you can go back to your madarassas and scream on a microphone.

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